COOPY » Guide  version 0.6.5

Modify a table/database/spreadsheet to integrate the changes described in a pre-computed difference.



Option summary

Option details

filter for an action of a particular type (update, insert, delete, none, schema)

specify an action inline in tdiff format

name to use when a table name is needed and not supplied

show how to use this program

if modifications are made, make them in place without a copy

list supported input database formats

in case of conflict use cell value from common ancestor

in case of conflict use cell value that was the local choice

direct output to this file (default is standard output)

list supported patch formats

filter for a named table of a workbook/database (repeat option for multiple tables)

in case of conflict use cell value that wasn't the local choice


You can generate test file(s) for the examples that follow:

sspatch --test-file directory.sqlite
sspatch --test-file numbers.csv
sspatch --test-file numbers_buggy.csv
sspatch --test-file numbers_buggy.sqlite

Example 1

sspatch numbers_buggy.csv numbers_patch.tdiff

Apply a patch to a table. Output goes to standard output. Input file is untouched.

Example 2

sspatch --inplace numbers_buggy.csv numbers_patch.tdiff

Apply a patch to a table. Input file is modified.

Example 3

sspatch --tmp tmp.sqlite numbers_buggy.sqlite numbers_patch.tdiff

Apply a patch to a sqlite database. Input file is not modified. Space for a temporary database is needed to do this. If not supplied, sspatch will ask for it.

Example 4

sspatch - numbers_patch.tdiff < numbers_buggy.csv

Apply a patch to a table read from standard input.

Example 5

sspatch numbers_buggy.csv - < numbers_patch.tdiff

Apply a patch read from standard input.

Example 6

sspatch --cmd "+ |two|2|" numbers_buggy.csv

Add a new row to a table.

Example 7

sspatch --cmd "- |NAME=four|" numbers.csv

Remove a row from a table

Example 8

sspatch --cmd "= |NAME=four|DIGIT:*->4|" numbers_buggy.csv

Change the DIGIT column on a row with NAME=four.

Example 9

sspatch --inplace  --table organizations \
--cmd "+ |42|The New Organization|" directory.sqlite

Add an organization. The specified organization ID is replaced by an autoincremented ID generated by sqlite. Use 'ssformat directory.sqlite' to view result.

Example 10

sspatch --native --inplace  --table organizations \
--cmd "+ |42|The New Organization|" directory.sqlite

Add an organization. The specified organization ID is used (due to --native flag). Use 'ssformat directory.sqlite' to view result.

Patch formats

Database/spreadsheet file formats

CSV: plain-text delimiter-separated family of formats

SQLITE: file-based database

SQLITEXT: sqlite-format sql dump

JSONBOOK: Spreadsheet formats in json

GNUMERIC: Spreadsheet formats (via gnumeric)

MDB: Access database format (via Mdbtools, READ-ONLY)

JMDB: Access database format (via Jackcess)

MYSQL: database connector

SOCIALCALC: SocialCalc format (via mozjs)


sspatch version 0.6.5

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